During the two days, 15th and 16th of October 2021, teacher trainers Biljana Pršić, Slađana Damnjanović and Aleksandra Filipović conducted a training based on the one received in Sofia in July this year. The training of pilot teachers contained all the necessary elements that would equip them to introduce new methodology in their classrooms in order to develop enterpreneurial attitude of students. The training was divided into logical sections each starting with a warm-up activity and ending with a feedback.
Attendees, teachers of different subjects, years and experiences, realized that entrepreneurship is a new philosophy and a way of methodical work that can be applied in every classroom and agreed that the trainig was useful, creative, fun, inspiring, organized and well realized. One more important thing arises: laughter, socializing, a positive atmosphere, restoring faith in our work, encouraging them to use their creativity in the future. How the local media reported about this teacher training, see on Portal Kruševac Grad and RTV Kruševac.