Project YESSS

The aim of YESSS project is developing and fostering entrepreneurial thinking of students at secondary schools through equipping teachers with relevant coaching and soft skills training methods and approaches. This project proposal comes in response to the need to intensify the development of entrepreneurial mindsets and attitudes of young people in an efficient and economical way.

The proposal offers universal integrated modern approach to the work of teachers in class that does not require extensive training and investing additional resources for using project products after its completion. It addresses directly to promoting the acquisition of skills and competences of students and to supporting individuals in acquiring and developing key competencies, focusing on entrepreneurship.

YESSS will add different perspectives and value to entrepreneurship education within the formal education systems in many EU countries which in most cases is focusing on teaching about business models and financial instruments, planning and resource management, and on building skills to implement concrete business tasks.

The project brings together 4 public secondary schools and an NGO, active in the training field from 4 countries that are committed to addressing the target groups.

The objectives leading to achievement of our aim are to:

  1. Design, develop and implement in practice a teacher’s METHODOLOGICAL HANDBOOK for entrepreneurial mindset development at secondary school;
  2. Train 12 teachers-multipliers who will have the task to train piloting teachers and provide them with support and mentoring in implementing the approach in their classrooms;
  3. Train and provide certification of 36 teachers from partner countries how to implement coaching and soft skills methods in the classroom;
  4. Conduct pilot sessions with 720 school students in all partner countries;
  5. Disseminate Handbook by organizing 4 multiplier events.


The project addresses two main target groups as follows:

  • Secondary school teachers in all subjects in grades from 10th to 12th.
  • Secondary school students from 10th to 12th grade.


The methodology applied comprises the following main interrelated elements:

  • Elaboration of Methodological Handbook for entrepreneurial mindset development at secondary schools with didactic materials for training of different target groups: teachers-multipliers, teachers, students.
  • Izdelava metodološkega priročnika za razvoj podjetniške miselnosti na srednjih šolah z didaktičnimi materiali za usposabljanje različnih ciljnih skupin: učitelji-množitelji, učitelji, dijaki.
  • Training of teachers-multipliers.
  • Training of teachers.
  • Piloting of the approach and feedback; evaluation.
  • Informing about the nature of entrepreneurship competency and benefits of development of appropriate mindset and motivation in the secondary school in relation to labour market and society needs. Dissemination of the good practices, project results and intellectual outputs.


The sustainable effects of our project will foster learners’ entrepreneurial spirit, which is the key prerequisite for their active and successful transition from school to higher education or to the labour market. Integration of different modern pedagogical approaches as coaching and soft skills training and relevant tools will contribute to the early identification of actual needs and overcoming behavioural problems, making students adaptation more effective. This will contribute to building more appropriate relationships in school, meeting individual and group needs in the class, using effective cooperative learning strategies.


Offering entrepreneurship mindset development by coaching and training activities in school would not only give knowledge and skills, but will stimulate motivation and self-esteem of students. It will teach them to discover new opportunities; to have more courage in making decisions and be prepared to bear responsibility for the consequences; to be able to set goals and to pursue them finding the most effective way and relying on their own strengths. In general these activities will make them undoubtedly more adequate to the requirements of employers and more competitive for the labor market. Moreover, it will positively affect all areas of their lives, making them more confident and more effective in formulating objectives, decision-making and achieving the desired results.


Last but not least, it should be emphasized that the use of the project products after its end is not related with any additional resources, which is a clear advantage especially with regard to the budgets of schools.