Meram Anadolu Lisesi (Konya, Turkey)

Meram Anadolu Lisesi –established in 1955-is one of the most successful high schools in Turkey due to the fact that every single one of its graduates go to the most popular universities of Turkey at the result of the general University Entrance exams which is implemented to all the graduates of the high schools all over Turkey. In 2017,the number one student in 5 different subjects at this exam is from our school.2018 and 2019 were also the same level of success in this category.


There are facts that help us reach to this important target of the school staff and our students such as the modern technical facilities of our FATIH Project that we are able to use together with all other schools as well as the devoted work and study peformed by our teachers and students.We frequently have common exams for the same grade students and try to motivate them for a sort of racing pschology to be beter in next times.


We also aim and implement all other possible facilities of social activities together with our students and do drama clubs, music concerts, art workshops  finalising with exhibitions .The end of the year graduation ceremony is also an important event at our school.


We had already completed a Comenius school partnerships Project named “Handicrafts; Flying Carpets and Kilims” during the implementation period of the LifeLong Learning Programme from 2008 to 2010.Our school completed this Project as the coordinator with the partners from UK and Lithuania.


Between 2014 and 2016, our school was a partner in a Youth category Erasmus+ Project named “SECEEL” where trainings and sharing of good practices were the achievements in developing entrepreneurship skills of the students. Almost 100 students of us actively took place in the project.

In this YESSS Project of us together with Slovenian,Bulgarian and Sırbian partners we are trying to develop an entreprenurial mindset at our students in addition to what has already formed a background in the “SECEEL” Project that was finalised before.

In 2016, we had the chance to meet an active group of teachers and schools from Germany,Poland,Lithuania,Italy,Cyprus and Grece to realise a KA2 project wihin the frame of Erasmus+ programme.This group of schools together with MERAM ANADOLU LİSESİ have been given the chance to implement the Project named “Maths in Art” which according to us is an unusual and interestingly nice Project because it gives us the chance to motivate our students and give them a differnet perspective of approach to Mathematics using art topics as well as geography and so on; in other words, it puts together the students who have interest in different subjects as a motivation scale.


We deeply belive and see that such international projects give our school an international dimension because of the fact that not only our teachers but also our students get the chance of sharing the curriculum,implementations and teaching methods from different schools as well as getting to know different cultures from various European countries who participate in the Project.

We are so thankful to the Erasmus + programme and of course to our Turkish National Agency which gives us the opportunity to see different and good implementations from other EU countries as well as the same things for them to see in Turkey.Being able to travel to partnering EU countries is another beautiful chance our students and teachers are given in such projects in the frame of Erasmus+ .

Thanks to Erasmus + and all our Project partners for this beautiful and fruitful process that we are experiencing and achieving nice results .

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