YESSS teacher training in Bulgaria

On 09 – 10.09.2021 a training took place in 32 School “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia for the programme YESSS: Young Entrepreneurs at Secondary Schools. The training was led by a group of five teachers-multipliers.

The training focused on entrepreneurial approaches in the classroom, the development and practice of soft skills (effective communication, empathy, active listening, stress resiliency, etc.), the utilization of coaching and mentoring tools, as well as on fostering camaraderie and cooperation among the participants, which will hopefully continue long after the training’s end.

To achieve the goals, the five Bulgarian teachers-multiplier led the training with clarity, humour, dynamism and empathy, embodying the soft skills they were teaching. The activities were all hands-on, requiring movement, teamwork and creativity, as well as inspiring self-reflection and open discussions. The participants met these challenges with an open mind, plenty of enthusiasm and energy.

Teacchers shared, that the two-day training managed to restore to a significant extent the joy of being together, the inspiration of performing the social mission of a teacher and cooperating with one’s colleagues as a community.